Dreams in 1973 produce the realities of 1990

Building journal Hong Kong China, Mar, 1990, pp. 44-56
Did you know that the site of the future civic centre in Tseung Kwan O new town (formerly called Junk Bay) is still underwater? Or that tiny Peng Chau and only slightly larger Cheung Chau are both regarded by planners as mini-new towns and near-relatives of Shatin and its host of half-million/quarter-million population new towns, to be accorded a treatment that mimics theirs - in overall content if not in size? The Territory Development Department (TDD) and its Deputy Director, Chow Chi-king, how or have a pretty good idea of what will be where it will be in 25 years' time. Put yet another way - did you know that plans for the Shatin o f1990 are mostly unchanged from those originally drawn up in 1973! TDD may sound a bit like Big Brother, since it really is the translator of Government policies related to what, where and in what proportion the community of Hong Kong takes shape. But its detailed planning goes hand-in-hand with a quite remarkable set of ideas and ideals as to how it all fits together. Fronted by and interview with Mr Chow, this presentation goes on to hear of the day-to-day workings of the seven districts that make up the TDD, through the descriptions of their managers.