HKIP Awards
空間 Space, v.46, 2002, pp. 120-122
On 18 June 2002 at the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP), the awards were presented. Urbis Limited, the long established planning, urban design, landscape and environmental consultants, have scooped up three out of the total six awards including the Silver Award. The following is a brief extract of the interview with Alan MacDonald, Director of Urbis.
(1) This must have been an exceptional year for Urbis, has it sunken in yet?
(2) I understand that the Silver Award project is done in association with Project Chambers (The Oval Partnership, Insignia Brooke Limited and Les Leslie Associates). It is a heritage and toursm concept for the revitalisation of the Central Police Station, Magistracy and Victoria Prison. The proposal combines planning, urban design, heritage preservationand tourism elements in creating for a vibrant destination in the heart of the Central District. Would you label this as another brilliant preservation project? So is this another brilliant preservation project?
(3) The West Kowloon Arts and Entertainment District Proposal carried out in conjunction with Aedas LPT Limited has recently been featured in SPACE Vol 43 Jul 02. What would you like to add specifically?
(4) The Yi Chang project is an urban regeneration scheme where the German Concession Area used to be. The proposal adopts a comprehensive area-wide approach dealing with the integration of land uses, pedestrian and open space connections in the urban fabric. How is it intrinsically differenct to that of the other schemes?
Architect: Urbis Limited