Quiet construction equipment: regulations can be made to work, and benefit 寧靜建築機械:噪音管制條例對建築業影響

建築承造雜誌, Jan/Feb, 1991, pp. 60-65
Sections 6 to 8 of the Noise Control Ordinance, controlling the use of powered mechanical equipment during restricted hours, went into effect on August 17, 1989. The Ordinance was applied to percussive piling on November 17, 1989. In addition, subsidiary legislation to be made under Section 27 (1), relating to control of noisy equipment, like compressors and hand-held percussive breakers, will become law in 1991. What are the effects of this Ordinance on piling activities now, and what will be the added effect of the expanded legislation on the civil construction industry, when compressors and hand-held percussive breakers come under its terms? Construction & Contract News talked to Environmental Protection Department Principal Environment Protection Officers Raymond H Chan (Noise Policy Group) and Steven W F Ho (Noise Control Group). In a separate interview, we secured the thoughts of the Hong Kong Construction Association through Environmental Committee chairman Rodney Buckell. 噪音管制條例第六至第八條,在一九八九年生效,使用機動設備的一般建築工程及撞擊式打樁工程,圴受到管制。環境保護署目前還草擬法例,打算進一步管制空氣壓縮機和人手操作撞擊式路面破碎機(俗稱風砲)發出的噪音,預料法例今年內通過實行。 建築承造雜誌為了了解現行噪音管制條例對打樁業及將來新法例對土木建築行業的影響,訪問了環境保護署首席環保主任(噪音政策組)陳鴻和首席環保主任(噪音管制組)何維芳。在另一次訪問中,香港建造商會環境小組主席白樂禮,向我們闡述了建造商會對噪音管制條例的態度。 (1) Noise Control Ordinance and your operations 噪音管制條例簡介 (a) Non-percussive works 一般建築工程 (b) Percussive works 撞擊式打樁工程 (c) Noisy products 產品噪音的管制 (d) Appeal 上訴 (e) Penalties 罰則
Architect: Raymond H Chan & Steven W F Ho 陳鴻和何維芳