On the waterfront

Building journal Hong Kong China, Nov, 1995, pp. 102-110
As Hong Kong plans for the next millennium, the port and airport development along with the inner urban reclamation programme have suddenly become a highly visible reality, swiftly re-shaping the face of the harbour. This has attracted expressions of concern from certain quarters and members of the Legislative Council have recently proposed a bill to put decisions on changes in the harbour in the hands of legislators. Peter Cookson Smith, an urban planner and architect who has been involved in the current programme as a consultant virtually from its inception, examines the main issues raised in the context of the wider planning and policy framework. In a second article to be published in the next month's Building Journal, he argues the case for an urban design approach in response to the ongoing challenge of creating a new waterfront and inner harbour environment for the 21st century. (1) Hong Kong's harbour reclamation programme (2) Future land requirements: the strategic considerations (3) Reclamation v. existing land based supply (4) Restructuring the metropolitan area (5) The changing role of the harbour (6) Designing for change