Wong and Ouyang (HK) Ltd: more than half-a-century of architectural design experience in Hong Kong

Building journal Hong Kong China, Sep, 2009, pp. 24-77
(1) Interview with Mr Lam Wo Hei, Director of Wong and Ouyang (HK) Ltd (a) Could you tell us about the latest development and activities of W&O in the region? (b) What are the major challenges of local architectural practices in the coming years? (c) What is the proportion, in terms of contract sum of the Hong Kong and the Mainland China divisions within the company? (d) As one of Hong Kong's leading architectural practices, can you share with us the secret of success? (2) Hong Kong (a) Kwun Tong Town Centre (b) Developments at Union Square (c) Taikoo Place (d) Master Planning of the main campus and the centennial campus of the University of Hong Kong (e) Pok Oi Hospital (f) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Expansion Project (g) One Kowloon (h) Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (i) Prince of Wales Hospital (3) Mainland China (a) The Hong Kong Pavilion for HKSAR's participation in the World Exposition 2010 (b) OneLink Walk; TianHe; Guangzhou (c) East Pacific Centre; Shenzhen (d) Mixed use development; Dazhongli, Shanghai (e) Jing An Mixed-Use Development; NanJing Xi Lu, PuXi, Shanghai (4) Macau (a) Wynn MACAU (b) Residential / Commercial Development at Lot V (c) Proposed Residential / Commercial Development at Lot P
Architect: Wong and Ouyang (HK) Ltd