JMK 十六周年特刊 JMK Consulting Engineers Ltd : 16th anniversary, professional in structural, civil and geotechnical engineering
建築承造雜誌, no.3, 2008, pp. 26-40
(1) JMK Consulting Engineers Limited 是一所由本地專業人士組成及管理的公司。主要專業範疇包括結構、土木及土力工程顧問服務。在深圳及上海亦設有辦事處。現有員工約60人包括香港建築物條例認可人士、香港註冊結構工程師、香港註冊岩土工程師及國家一級註冊結構工程師。JMK Consulting Engineers Limited was established since 1992. It is a local firm wholly owned and managed by a team of specialized personnel with proven expertise and engineering excellence to provide professional services in Structural, Civil and Geotechnical Engineering disciplines. It also operates offices in Shenzhen and Shanghai. The company employs about 60 staff including professionals of authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechncial engineer and 1 st class registered structural engineer (PRC).
(2) 香港項目 Hong Kong project
(a) 青衣藍澄灣華逸酒店,青逸酒店及盛逸酒店 Rambler Crest, Tsing Yi Mexan Harbour Hotel, Rambler Garden Hotel and Rambler Oasis Hotel
(b) 萬誠保險千禧廣場及北角海逸酒店 MLC Millennia Plaza and Harbour Plaza North Point
c 奧運站柏景灣及帝柏海灣 Olympian City II: Park Avenue & Central Park
(d)泓景台 Banyan Garden
(e) 將軍澳維景灣畔 Ocean Shores, Tseung Kwan O
(f) 深井碧堤半島The Bellagio, Sham Tseng
(g) 香港城市大學學生宿舍1,2及3期 City University: student hostels phase 1, 2 and 3
(h) 九肚山皓朗山莊 Double Haven, Kau To Shan
(I) 妙法寺 Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery
(j) 中環皇后大道中8號商廈 No.8 Queen's Road Central
(3) 中國大陸項目 China project
(a) 上海溥東世紀大道項目 Century Avenue project, Shanghai Pudong New District
(b) 上海香港廣場 Hong Kong Plaza, Shanghai
c 重慶珊瑚水岸 Cape Coral, Chongqing
(d) 河北名門華都 Arc De Royal, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province
(e) 廣州逸翠灣 The Riverside, Guangzhou
(f) 廣州五月花商業廣場 May Flower Plaza, Guangzhou
(g) 廣州東風廣場1及2期 Eastern Place Phases 1 & 2, Guangzhou
(h) 天津和平區南京路/營口道項目 Heping District Nanjing Road and Yingkou Road project, Tianjin
(I) 青島太平洋中心 Pacific Plaza, Qingdao
(4) 澳門項目 Macau project
(a) 金都酒店 Grand Waldo Hotel, Macau
Architect: JMK Consulting Engineers Ltd