Outward walls

ARCH : the Asian magazine of architecture, design and visual communications, no.6, 1990, pp. 12-26
The sleek and smooth surfaces of Modernism provided the impetus for rapid developments in construction techniques in various sectors but those required for the construction of a new form of outer wall, hereinafter known as the "curtain wall", have proved to be one of the most important. And, following upon widespread usage in that architectural mode, curtain walls were wholeheartedly embraced by the adherents of Post-Modernism, as a flexible palette for post-modern expression. As with any creative or technical development the under-lying causes were naturally much more complex than mere aesthetics. Very real economic and commercial causes have contributed to the enduring usage of curtain walls. In Asia these vary somewhat from those in, for example, the United States. Nevertheless, the curtain wall is as common in Hong Kong's Central district as it is in Manhattan. A brief look at one of the most important architectural and construction developments of this century, and, the first in a series of such articles which Arch is undertaking in the coming year.