Welcome to Asia's World City welcome to APIDA 2004 歡迎莅臨香港 - 亞洲國際都會 歡迎莅臨亞太室內設計大獎2004
PRC-magazine, no.20, 2004, pp. 28-61
(1) Corporate Winner: A&H Asia Pacific Head Office, Dongguan, China 中國東莞A&H亞洲辦公室 - WeiSen Space Design 維森空間設計
(2) Corporate Honourable: GaoHua Spectacles Factory 高華眼鏡廠 - ShenGang Construction Development Co. Ltd. 深圳深港建築工程發展有限公司
(3) Commercial Honourable: Addition & Alternation of Cinemas at Cyberport 數碼港電影院修繕項目 - AGC Design Ltd.
(4) Commercial Winner: Headquarters Salon - Steve Leung Designers Ltd.
(5) Hotel Winner: Tian Lun International Hotel, Guangzhou 廣州天倫萬怡大酒店 - AB Concept Ltd.
(6) Hotel Honourable:
(a) Westin Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡Westin酒店 - Axis Network Design Consultants Sdn Bhd
(b) Presidential Wing, Yangzhou Hotel 揚州迎賓館總統樓 - Shanghai Jin TangLang Environmental Design Co. Ltd. 上海金螳螂環境設計有限公司
(7) Restaurant / Bar Honourable:
(a) Restaurant Golden Dynasty 金?潮代 - Panorama International Ltd.
(b) Fairwood Cafe 大快活快餐店 - Leung & Morita Designers Ltd., Steve Leung Designers Ltd.
(8) Restaurant / Bar Winner: Nadaman Restaurant, Kowloon Shangri-La 九龍香格里拉酒店 Nadaman 日本餐廳 - dwpCL3 Architects Ltd.
(9) Club Winner: Evian Spa - dwpCL3 Architects Ltd. / Alan Chan Design Co.
(10) Club Honourable:
(a) 18 Farm Road Clubhouse 農圃道18號會所 - Steve Leung Designers Ltd.
(b) Goldfield International Club, Beijing - Pal Design Consultants Ltd.
(c) ZhuJiang GuoJiCheng Clubhouse 珠江國際城會所 - Beijing ZhuBang Architecture and Decoration Engineering Co Ltd. 中國建築設計研究院北京築邦建築裝飾工程有限公司
(11) Residential Honourable: Ms Luo's Residence 羅女士的家 - Jiangsu Province Architecture, Design and Decoration Institute 江蘇省建築裝飾設計院
(12) Residential Winner: Apartment in Parkview, Hong Kong 香港陽明山莊某單位 AB Concept Ltd.
(13) Show Flat Honourable:
(a) Show House - dwpCL3 Architects Ltd.
(b) Dongguan Green Town Showflat D2 - One Plus
(14) Show Flat Winner: Sorrento Top of the Town 擎天半島頂層 - Steve Leung Designers Ltd.
(15) Show Flat Honourable: Golden Oscar Jinjue Villa - Point Architects Ltd.
(16) Institution Honourable:
(a) Oncology Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital 香港養和醫院綜合腫瘤科中心 - Richards Basmajian
(b) Business Centre, Business Administration Department, IVE Shatin 香港專業教育學院沙田分校 – 工商管理系模擬辦公室 - Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd. 何周禮建築設計事務所有限公司
(c) Image Centre IVE Kwai Chung 香港專業教育學院葵涌分校形像中心 - Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd. 何周禮建築設計事務所有限公司
(17) Exhibition Honourable:
(a) General Electric Silicone Showroom - Marc & Chantal Design
(b) Swarovski Crystal World - Marc & Chantal Design
(c) 'City Heroes' Photographic Exhibitions 「都市精神」攝影展覽 - Design Systems Ltd.
(d) Future Home Exhibition Gallery - Point Architects Ltd.
(18) Exhibition Winner: Lantern Wonderland 大燈籠 ﹒小生命 - dwpCL3 Architects Ltd.
Notes: 12th Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards