Regulate for light, air and healthy living - Part III - the becoming of PNAP 278

HKIA journal: the official journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (香港建築師學報), no.44, 2005, pp. 16-25
Background From the barren rock to the metrpolis, Hong Kong has witnessed changes beyond imagination. The building regulations, began in 1903, were followed through until 1956. Then they stalled and have only recently been revisited. Part 1 of this series of papers traced the history of regulating natural light and ventilation to pre-history times in the UK. It provided a glimpse of what were to happen in Hong Kong. Part 2 followed up with a history of the same in Hong Kong later. Part 3 continues the story about a recent attempt by the Buildings Department to review their building regulations of lighting and ventilation in Hong Kong and the efforts accumulated to the introduction of PNAP-278 in early 2004. PNAP 278 (Figure 1), especially the lighting for domestic buildings portion of it, is the result of a technical consultancy agreement and some 4 years of work by researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). This paper summarises the path walked and some of the untold basis of its content. It serves to inform architects of Hong Kong its rationale and its fundamentals. The purpose of this paper is such that architects could have an informed basis when using the practice note. (1) Introduction (2) The team (3) The study methodology (4) On-site measurements (5) Historical studies (6) User survey (7) Design tool (8) The becoming of PNAP 278 (9) Acknowledgement (10) Reference