Influences of fresh air supply locations on temperature distribution of a fan filter unit (FFU) type unidirectional cleanroom

International journal on architectural science, v.3, no.3, 2002, pp. 112-119
Some semiconductor manufacturing processes such as photolithography is very sensitive to the temperature distribution in the cleanroom. Ideally, a uniform temperature distribution is required. This study investigates the effect of three different fresh air supply locations - beneath the ceiling of the supply air plenum (hereafter referred to as case A), at the return air shaft (case B, which uses a plate under the fresh air inlet to boost the mixing of fresh air and recirculation air), and under the raised floor (case C), on field velocity and temperature distribution. The research was conducted numerically using an airflow program based on a standard k- turbulence model. The fan curve was added to the fan boundary condition to determine the system's operational conditions. The results show that the fresh air most greatly affects cleanroom temperature distribution in case A; it is not a good option from the point of view of space management in case C, and case B is a compromise option. (1) Introduction (2) Numerical methods (a) Airflow model (b) Boundary conditions (3) Results and discussion (a) Velocity vector and temperature distribution in the middle section (b) Temperature distribution in the horizontal section (4) Conclusions (5) Acknowledgements (6) Nomenclature (7) References
Notes: Ventilation