The impact of multi storey car parks on wind pressure distribution and air change rates of surrounding high rise residential buildings in Singapore
International journal on architectural science, v.3, no.1, 2002, pp. 30-42
This study investigates the impacts of three different types of car park namely open (surface), multi-storey and integrated car park on the wind pressure distribution as well as the air change rates of the surrounding high rise residential buildings in Singapore. 1:200 scaled models were used in wind tunnel to gather pressure distribution data on the exterior surface of the surrounding housing blocks. Utilizing the pressure coefficient (Cp) values obtained, the air change rates (ACH) in the selected units at different heights were calculated using CONTAM96. The study shows that the air change rates of the units are governed not only by the spacing of the residential blocks but other influential factors such as the block layout relative to the prevailing wind directions, architectural form of the housing block as well as the window orientation.
(1) Introduction
(2) Methodology
(a) Models used
(3) Results and discussion
(a) Effects of wind direction on Cp values
(b) Evaluation of the air change rates (ACH) using CONTAM96
(i) Wind profile in Singapore
(ii) Effects of wind directions on air change rates
(iii) Effects of different heights on air change rates
(iv) Comparison among three models
(4) Conclusion
(5) Acknowledgement
(6) References
Notes: Ventilation