Energy cost and consumption in a large acute hospital

International journal on architectural science, v.5, no.1, 2004, pp. 11-19
The paper presents the measured results of electricity consumption and cost in a large acute hospital in subtropical Taipei City of Taiwan ROC from August 2001 to July 2002. It was found that air-conditioning is the major electricity end use, accounting for more than 50% of the total building energy use. The highest monthly EUI (Energy Use Intensity) value comes out in July with monthly value of 25.5 kWh.m-2 month-1 and the annual EUI value was 259.45 kWh.m-2 year-1. The highest overall DUI (Demand Use Intensity) vale (45.7 Wm-2) that relates to the electricity contract capacity, appears in August 2001. The highest EUI value found in the region of Operation Theater (OT), in which the EUI value is about three times higher than that in general place. Some approaches to shift peak load are proposed and discussed. (1) Introduction (2) Description of the hospital (3) Measured results and discussion (a) Analysis of the power consumption (i) Monthly power consumption (ii) Daily power consumption (iii) Hourly power consumption (iv) Analysis of Energy Use Intensity (EUI) (v) Analysis of Demand Use Intensity (DUI) (vi) Consumption of EUI and DUI (b) Analysis of electricity consumption by facilities (c) Cost analysis of energy consumption (d) Approaches for reducing the peak hour demanding of electricity (i) Shifting peak load by using absorption chillers (ii) Shifting peak load by energy management (4) Conclusion (5) Acknowledgement (6) References
Notes: Air conditioning systems